Rabu, 04 Juni 2014


Terunyan is a village located in the district of Kintamani , Bangli Regency , Bali , Indonesia . Terunyan located near Lake Batur . Trunyan has a unique cemetery . Instead buried , or burned like a Balinese cremation ceremony , the bodies in the village Trunyan left just above the ground . The bodies just shut down food shelf made ​​of leaves . But strangely , there was no smell of carrion wafted here . Though the skull and bones scattered in many places . There was no scent of frangipani flowers as well as the public grows at a funeral . The reason is Taru incense , giant tree Trunyan name . Trunyan communities have a tradition of funerals where the body was buried on top of a large stone basin which has 7 pieces . Tradition without letting the corpse has been buried for hundreds of years . However, the condition , the bodies must be intact and died of natural causes . There was no injury or illness . Whether or not a person ' buried ' in Trunyan also seen good or bad behaviors of the person during life . The number of bodies were covered shelf serving only 11 , there will be increased or reduced . If it is full , the bones of the skull is shifted so that had gathered at the edges . Although scary , no fewer tourists are curious and want to see their own graves Trunyan . Indigenous village ordinances regulating Terunyan bury its citizens . In this village there are three grave ( sema ) that are intended for three different types of death . When one resident died of natural causes Terunyan , his body will be covered with a white cloth , consecrated , then placed without buried under a big tree called Taru incense , at a location called Sema Wayah . However , if the cause of death was not natural , such as accident , suicide , or murdered , his body will be placed in a location called Sema Bantas . As for burying infants and young children , or people who have grown but not married , will be placed at Sema Young . Terunyan village history can not be separated from the trip 4 sons of Sultan Sala is disturbed by the aroma wafted in their residence . They are one of the foursome is the daughter left the palace to find the source of the scent that they smell .

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